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Good Humor: We create joyful and welcoming environments. Excellence: We set and surpass high standards. VALUES Caring Spirit: We honor the sacred dignity of each person. We will grow as community-based health networks in partnership with others who share our vision and values and align with us to be an essential provider to those we serve. We will share accountability with our clinicians, associates and affiliated stakeholders to deliver exceptional care that is well-coordinated, accessible, affordable, safe, and results in optimal outcomes for individuals and populations. VISION Inspired by our faith, We will be distinguished as the trusted person-centered partner to those who engage with us in their physical, mental and spiritual health decisions. Yours in gratitude, Dennis Sulser Foundation CEO/President MISSION We reveal and foster God s healing love by improving the health of the people and communities we serve, especially those who are poor and vulnerable. Please encourage others to experience the pleasure by joining us in this heritage of giving. We ask that you keep your helper s high by continuing to donate of your time and resources. The generosity of those listed in this annual report is ensuring our continued ministry to all. Our city founders asked the brave Sisters to create a healing space for all. Never will we lose sight of our Catholic identity in our mission to serve all faiths and denominations. We have the Sisters of Charity to thank for beginning this tremendous legacy. Whether the early settlers and residents of Billings realized it, they began a tradition of giving that has benefited both the giver and the recipient s health for over a century. A bit of euphoria is experienced each and every day at St. The National Institute of Health has studied the act of giving time or money and found that it stimulates the brain s award center and generates a feeling known as helper s high.

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There was energy that night that was consistent with new life and new hope for a vibrant community of healing. Gratitude, coupled with giving brings us closer together and never was this more evident than at our 2016 SAINTS ball. Giving has been biologically proven to activate parts of the brain that create pleasure and sense of community. Giving began for the Sisters at the beginning of construction and continues to be a force in the ongoing ministry of healthcare at St. Almost 120 years later, is receiving over $8 million of support annually from philanthropists near and far. I can only imagine the delight of our fore founding Sisters in knowing what an initial $3,000 grant from the city of Billings in 1898 would grow into today. 2 FOUNDATION PRESIDENT/CEO: Thank You to Our Donors Fellow Healthcare Philanthropists: It is with sincerest gratitude that we at the Foundation recognize each of you for giving and providing to the direct care of patients at St.

Dr malody billings mt